
Bath Brainstorms : Eureka moments in unlikely places.

Where do you most aften get those inspired moments of genius ?
While you're soaking in a hot tub, driving down an open road or sitting in your office cubicle ?
According to a group of researchers on creativity, the most common place for people to cook up their best ideas is while they're taking a shower.
"All the top places offer the opportunity for relaxation, where the primary activity isn't thinking about the problem", says Ken Wall from the Thinking Network. Interestingly, no-one nominated their workplace. With its deadlines and interruptions, the office "doesn't allow for the creative process". Oh dear..

Top Situations for Inspiration :
1. Shower, bath, bathroom = 57%.
2. Bed = 51%.
3. Driving = 42%.
4. Walking = 28%.
5. Exercise, running, swimming = 25%.

Source : Reader's Digest Asia January 2010.

regards, taniafdi ^_^

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Bath Brainstorms : Eureka moments in unlikely places.

Where do you most aften get those inspired moments of genius ?
While you're soaking in a hot tub, driving down an open road or sitting in your office cubicle ?
According to a group of researchers on creativity, the most common place for people to cook up their best ideas is while they're taking a shower.
"All the top places offer the opportunity for relaxation, where the primary activity isn't thinking about the problem", says Ken Wall from the Thinking Network. Interestingly, no-one nominated their workplace. With its deadlines and interruptions, the office "doesn't allow for the creative process". Oh dear..

Top Situations for Inspiration :
1. Shower, bath, bathroom = 57%.
2. Bed = 51%.
3. Driving = 42%.
4. Walking = 28%.
5. Exercise, running, swimming = 25%.

Source : Reader's Digest Asia January 2010.

regards, taniafdi ^_^

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